Mr. Sukumar, from Bangalore has been running a logistics business, catering to the private sector only since 2005. He always thought of participating in public procurement, however, was always skeptical about the complexity of the procedures and other compliances. He got to know about the National SC-ST Hub scheme, and he participated in NSSH Awareness and Special Vendor Development Programs (SVDP) organized by the NSSH Office. With the support received from NSSHO Bangalore, he participated in the tender of Food Corporation of India and was awarded the order worth Rs 7.23 Crore. He has also availed benefits under Reimbursement of Bank charges on the Performance Bank Guarantee. He feels very happy with the support received under the NSSH scheme and is very much thankful to the Ministry of MSME for implementing this scheme. He says “I had never worked with any PSU in my 25-year experience, but with your motivation and support, today for the first time we have been awarded a contract by FCI. This has happened just because of rigorous and continuous efforts put in by NSSHO providing hand holding and professional support, followed by in-person awareness.”